
Community Living Fort Erie has successfully achieved its second FOCUS Accreditation Award. Congratulations to the entire organization for its dedication to the principles and practices of Quality Improvement. Community Living Fort Erie is described by stakeholders both internal and external to the organization as flexible in its service delivery, ...

Community Living Kincardine and District (CLKD) have successfully achieved a 4-year Accreditation through FOCUS. Congratulations to an organization with deep ties to the community it serves. CLKD is known as a strong community builder and partner. Its person directed planning process and service delivery are supported by its mission, ...

Congratulations to Community Living Parry Sound (CLPS) on being awarded the FOCUS 4-year Accreditation. The organization and the community it services can be proud of CLPS’ progressive and flexible service design and delivery, as well as its commitment to on-going quality improvement and organizational learning.

Congratulations to DASO on their 4 year Accreditation! Rhonda Hendel, Executive Director of DASO was cited as a strength by many stakeholders within and external to the organization. DASO staff are representatives at a variety of community tables and are said to be a “cornerstone of initial response” when ...

KW Habilitation is described by stakeholders as a “learning organization” and a positive “change agent”. It has for many years demonstrated flexibility in terms of service design and delivery so as to meet the changing needs of the community. KW Habilitation’s Executive Director Ann Bilodeau is described as a ...

Participation House Brantford is described by stakeholders as a “leader in the community”.  It has for many years demonstrated flexibility in terms of service design and delivery so as to meet the changing needs of the community.  PH Brantford’s Executive Director Sherry Kerr is described as proactive, progressive, and ...

Community Living Dufferin is described by stakeholders as “forward thinking”, “flexible”, and “person-centred” in its approach to service design and delivery.  The organization’s Executive Director Sheryl Chandler is viewed by internal and external stakeholders as an effective collaborator, a strong advocate for service improvement both locally and regionally, and ...

Developmental Services of Leeds and Grenville is described as being “an innovative organization” by Community partners. “A very professional, well respected and well connected organization to the community”. The organization’s Executive Director, Geoff McMullen, and his team demonstrate significant commitment to providing and demonstrating leadership, to continuous learning and ...

Outcomes Measurement, Reporting through Storytelling, and Innovation in the Workplace – all three learning sessions received very high grades from participants at FOCUS’ Spring Learning Event 2015! When asked to score their overall learning experience from 1-10 over 80% gave us 9/10 or 10/10!  Comments included: “An excellent interactive ...

“Access Community Services Inc. has been engaged in purposeful change over the past few years.  Through the FOCUS accreditation process, Access demonstrated that its recently revised mission, vision and values align with its strategic goals and the services it delivers.  People using services, employees and external stakeholders praised the ...


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